2024 Principal's Message
Rooted in Faith, Enduring for Good
We give thanks to the Lord for an exciting year ahead for KCPSS in 2024. The wider KCP community will gather in Thanksgiving and celebration, as we mark 100 years of God’s faithfulness in our KCP schools, and open a fresh chapter in our mission and history. The Centennial theme of Rooted in Faith, Enduring for Good, is a call to our community to rally around #TeamKCP and for us to shine our light, as a School on a Hill, for all.
One of the most visible ways this will happen is through a rejuvenated House system, where each KCPian will have a chance to play, learn and grow with schoolmates in one of 5 Houses: Atherton, Dryburgh, Richardson, Lee and Sirkett. These Houses are grounded in history and heritage, as they are named after iconic Principals of our school, and are aligned with the Houses in KCPPS, allowing for a seamless experience for our KCPians who join us through affiliation. From January, we will weave House experiences into your child’s learning, and we look forward to the official launch of the House system at our Founders’ Day in May.
Beyond a strong sense of identity, opportunities for peer relationships and learning, we are also anchoring our curriculum in strong fundamentals for teaching, learning and student well-being. From the start of the year, we will be strengthening school and learning routines to deepen consistency and clarity in the way students are expected to engage in learning at all times, including during Blended Learning. We seek your support to encourage your child to have a clear focus in their learning tasks, to exercise compassion in all their relationships, and to seek to do good in all their experiences and opportunities in school. When we speak with one voice in support of their healthy and sustained learning, we provide for our students the gift of a conducive and safe learning environment.
As a school, we also look forward to a renewal of a number of partnerships and programmes that will provide a variety of learning opportunities for students. We were blessed to commence our internationalisation trips in 2023 with a BB/GB trip to Cambodia, and we look forward to embarking on more trips this year. Our Centennial celebrations will also bring together generations of KCPians, connecting our current KCPians to their alumni, through a combined Centennial Sports Day for both KCP schools, a Founders’ Day gala dinner, and a Centennial Musical.
With God at the centre of our all that we do in KCPSS, and with your presence and support in all aspects of our school and curriculum, I am certain that we will lack for nothing, as in Psalm 23:1: “The Lord is my shepherd; I lack nothing.”
To God be the Glory!
Mr Justin Tan